The Eagle River Valley portion of Eagle County (ERV) includes the communities of Avon, Dotsero, Eagle, Eagle/Vail, Edwards, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Wolcott.
The Roaring Fork Valley portion of Eagle County (RFV) includes El Jebel, parts of Carbondale and Basalt.
Primary Care Area: Childcare Support
Secondary Care Area: Child Development
Contact: Sonia Luna
112 West 5th Street
Leadville , CO 80461
Mailing Address: PO Box 884
Counties Served: Lake
What We Do...
Lake County Department of Human Services is dedicated to providing services that will enrich the quality of life for members of our community by building on strengths, and empowering individuals and families to improve their well-being and self-sufficiency. Contact Christin Logan, Colorado Childcare Assistance Program Assistant or Sonia Luna, Colorado Childcare Assistance Program Supervisor, for more details on CCAP providers in the area.