Receive updates from RMECC

CCR&R Provider Updates

The Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Council is also the Child Care Resource & Referral Agency for our 4 county area (Eagle, Garfield, Lake and Pitkin)

Each year, we are tasked with gathering updates for all licensed providers in the 4 county region in an effort to keep pertinent information about programs and the services they provide updated in the state database system.  In an effort to do this efficiently we have developed a few different methods for providers to update their information.

  1. Update your Provider portal in Rocky Mountain Childcare Connect and complete the CCR&R Form
    • The quickest and easiest way to provide us with updates.  It will take less than 10 minutes to complete!
  2. Email Lisa, our Access & Outreach Specialist, to set up a time to do your updates over the phone.  This will take approximately 20 minutes.

Lisa Roeder
Access & Outreach Specialist

[email protected]

Mailing Address:
Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Council
ATTN: Lisa Roeder
PO Box 338
Glenwood Springs, CO  81602