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Colorado Shines

For the past four years, through funding from the Office of Early Childhood Department of Human Services, the Council has been working directly with programs to help providers attain higher ratings in the Colorado Shines system. Eligible programs can receive coaching services and quality improvement dollars to support them on their quality improvement journey. Additionally, CSQI programs who serve infants and toddlers can apply for capital improvement dollars. Colorado Shines ratings are offered free-of-charge to licensed programs who want to pursue a rating.

Expanding Quality in Infant Toddler Care (EQIT)

Colorado Department of Education funds this program and the 48-hour EQIT Curriculum provides a solid introduction to infant and toddler development, with a focus on providing quality group care for our youngest children. The EQIT course builds on the knowledge and experiences of infant toddler caregivers through interesting, interactive and fun activities. EQ Relate coaching is available for providers taking the course who are actively taking care of infants and toddlers in a licensed setting.

Quality Improvement & Social/Emotional Skill Building:

Thanks to the generosity of the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation and the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood, the RMECC is able to support quality improvement and social emotional skill building in child care programs across the region utilizing the evidenced based tools and programs listed below. Our work with child care providers is delivered through local, credentialed quality improvement coaches who all have advanced degrees and a depth of knowledge and applicable certifications in the field.

Child Care Resource & Referral

The Council serves as the region’s Resource & Referral Agency. We work closely with programs to ensure we have correct information about the program and services they offer as well as when there are openings Often, when families are looking for childcare, they call us. We work with families to help them find quality child care, inform them about available supports and get them connected with programs in their area. If you are a provider looking to complete your annual provider update, Click Here. If you are looking for childcare for your child, take a look at our CCR&R page