The Eagle River Valley portion of Eagle County (ERV) includes the communities of Avon, Dotsero, Eagle, Eagle/Vail, Edwards, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Wolcott.
The Roaring Fork Valley portion of Eagle County (RFV) includes El Jebel, parts of Carbondale and Basalt.
Primary Care Area: Activities
Secondary Care Area: Parenting
Contact: Stacy Contreras
115 E. 5th Street
Leadville , CO 80461
Mailing Address: PO Box 622
Counties Served: Lake
What We Do...
Full Circle provides opportunities, skills and caring relationships to help Lake County become a place where youth make healthy choices, families thrive and the community is united. Opportunities include after school programming for youth, parenting classes for parents, and other supports for families..