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The Eagle River Valley portion of Eagle County (ERV) includes the communities of Avon, Dotsero, Eagle, Eagle/Vail, Edwards, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Wolcott.

The Roaring Fork Valley portion of Eagle County (RFV) includes El Jebel, parts of Carbondale and Basalt.

Aspen Strong

Primary Care Area: Health & Well Being

Secondary Care Area: Community Resource

Contact: Angilina Taylor

(970) 718-2842

P.O. Box 8648
Aspen , CO 81612

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8648

Counties Served: Pitkin

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What We Do...

Aspen Strong promotes mental wellness practices and connection to mental health resources in the Roaring Fork Valley. We support a vision in which valley-wide businesses & municipalities will include mental hygiene within their organizational structure creating an increase in overall community well being.