The Eagle River Valley portion of Eagle County (ERV) includes the communities of Avon, Dotsero, Eagle, Eagle/Vail, Edwards, Gypsum, Minturn, Red Cliff, and Wolcott.
The Roaring Fork Valley portion of Eagle County (RFV) includes El Jebel, parts of Carbondale and Basalt.
Primary Care Area: Health & Well Being
Secondary Care Area: Child Development
Contact: Kamerin Hargrove
320 Beard Creek Road
Edwards , CO 81632
Mailing Address: PO Box 40,000
Counties Served: Eagle river valley portion of eagle county
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What We Do...
Pediatric therapists work with children and their families, caregivers, and teachers to promote active participation in activities or occupations that are meaningful to them. Specially trained and certified physical and occupational pediatric therapists focus on teaching children the necessary skills to function more independently at home, school and in the community. Pediatric therapists work with children in the following areas. -Fine motor skills – coordination of small motor movements mainly in the hands and fingers; grasping skills -Visual motor skills – small motor movements in coordination with the eyes; may include tasks such as cutting, drawing, and writing -Sensory processing and sensorimotor skills -Self-help skills such as, dressing, grooming, bathing tasks -Feeding – sensory and motor approach -Visual perception – how visual information is perceived; visual memory, visual figure ground, visual spatial awareness, visual discrimination, visual -Handwriting -Strength and endurance – core and upper body strength and endurance as it relates to the ability to perform daily tasks -Coordination – ability to use both sides of the body to perform coordinated movement patterns -Eye-hand coordination – ability to coordinate eye movement with hand movement; ball skills -Social skills -Play skills