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03oct11:00 am1:00 pmCDEC & RMECC SRATEGIC PLAN MEETINGThe Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) and Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Council invite you to discuss how the updated Statewide Early Childhood Needs Assessment, Colorado Birth through Five 2023 Needs Assessment, and the Statewide Early Childhood Strategic Plan, Elevating Early Childhood can support an improved early childhood system in your community.


08oct1:00 pm2:00 pmRMECC UPP Quarterly Provider Meetings

17oct12:00 pm2:00 pmUnderstanding Early Learning Developmental Guidelines (ELDG)The Colorado Early Learning and Development Guidelines describe the trajectory of children’s learning and development from birth to 8 years old. They include a broad description of children’s growth to ensure a holistic approach to creating positive early childhood environment.

23oct12:00 pm1:00 pmWTWS - STAFF FILESJoin Lorie Bishop in this great training on staff files. Lorie is an experienced director who has perfected an approach to staff files that covers all licensing and Colorado Shines requirements. If you struggle with staff files and the documentation or just want to hear her tips and tricks, this training is for you!

25oct9:00 am4:00 pmCREATIVE CURRICULUM FOR PRESCHOOLBuild children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills through hands-on, project-based investigations. Promote discovery and inquiry with opportunities for children to think critically and develop process skills with rich, hands-on investigations of relevant and interesting topics in the classroom. Reinforce learning with family-friendly activities designed for home.



20nov11:00 am1:00 pmRMECC NETWORK FORUMPlease join us for the next Network Forum Meeting to continue the great discussion around the Action Plan we have developed with participant input around the topics of Recruitment and Retention, Equity and Local Investment.

20nov12:00 pm2:00 pmWTWS - CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE CARECome and learn about teaching approaches that acknowledge the importance of culture in shaping how people see themselves and the world around them. Inclusive practices involve meeting students where they are and learning through their lived experience. We will talk about diverse groups, what inclusion is, current practices and new ideas to implement in your classroom.


15jan11:00 am1:00 pmRMECC NETWORK FORUMPlease join the Council, partners and providers from across the region to continue discussions and work regarding the Early Childhood System.  We meet the 3rd Wednesday on the odd months of the year.  We encourage you to be part of this group that is working on scalable solutions to systems level issues.