The Early Childhood Shared Measures were collaboratively developed by Early Childhood Councils (ECCs), the Early Childhood Councils Leadership Alliance (ECCLA), and the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) through the Local Organizational Capacity work of the Preschool Development Grant (Colorado Shines Brighter Birth-Five Strategic Plan strategy 1.2.4).
The purpose of the measures is to highlight the collective impact of ECCs on Colorado’s early childhood system. Elevating this collective impact to policymakers, funders, and community members will establish a clear story of the value ECCs bring to their communities and the state.
The measures included in this report were developed utilizing the following guiding principles:
1. Balance activity with outcome
2. Strive for consistency and efficiency
3. Honor locally-selected measures
4. Vary targets to represent success
5. Support continuous and sustainable capacity, equity, and quality
The complete ECC Shared Measures Guide can be found here.